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wydawnictwo: ADAM MARSZAŁEK , rok wydania 2016, wydanie I

cena netto: 44.10 Twoja cena  41,90 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Asian Education Systems

Asian Education Systems provides the knowledge much searched for. It gives an overall compendium image of educational systems considered to be the best in the world. Articles published there are an invaluable source, speaking about assumptions and functioning of those systems, meticulously presenting the analysis of individual teaching solutions, and the most important factors deciding about the success of education systems. Despite significant differences in these structures, we can easily see a number of regularities of a general nature, which are common to them all [...].

Editor’s Preface 5

Li Liu & De-sheng Lu
Education System in China 14
Heng Jiang
Education System in China 34
Mehmet Fatih Ürün
Review of People’s Republic of China National Education System:  Shanghai Case 58
Yong-Lyun Kim
Educational System in Korea 73
Katsuhiko Matsukawa
Japanese Education System – A Short Overview 93
Eun-Jung Kim
Education System in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 102
Charlene Tan, Kim Koh & William Choy
The Education System in Singapore 129
Cheng-Chang Tsai
A Review of Taiwan’s Current Higher Education Development and Challenges 149
Kyung Eun Park
Thai Education System 158
Anna Wiłkomirska
Slow to Succeed. Educational reforms in Uzbekistan – Goals and Effects 181
Mukhit Sydyknazarov
Education System in Kazakhstan: Experience and Prospects 206

256 pages, Paperback

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