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wydawnictwo: ADAM MARSZAŁEK , rok wydania 2016, wydanie I

cena netto: 73.50 Twoja cena  69,83 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Institutional Position and Functions of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland after the Accession to the European Union

The book by Professor Joanna Marszałek-Kawa considers one of the key issues of the European integration: how the membership in the European Union influences a position of national parliaments. It is significant because it is clear that the European integration changes roles and functions of national legislatives. [...] The book explains the Sejm’s position in the Polish political system, and it is not limited only to the influence of the membership in the European Union. It clearly presents main observations and it is easy to comprehend. The author based her analysis on the impresive data collection related to various aspects of parliament’s work. She reviewed a number of academic works, both Polish and international. Therefore the study will inspire new research questions within the academic community, but it can also motivate politicians and law-makers to consider how the parliament’s position can be modelled.

Review by Professor Dr. Jerzy Jaskiernia


I. The institutional position and functions of parliaments in the European Union member states
1. Models of the institutional position and functions of parliaments

II. Changes in the institutional position and function of the Sejm of the RP in the context of the institutional reforms of the European Union system
1. The institutional position and functions of the Sejm from the angle of the Constitution of 2 April 1997
2. The activity of national parliaments in the institutional system of the European Union
3. The institutional reform of the EU system and the constitutional position of the Sejm of the RP
4. Tendencies concerning changes in the institutional position and functions of the Sejm of the RP after the accession to the European Union

III. The constitution-amending function of the Sejm of the RP
1. The issues of the functions of a parliament in the literature and in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997
2. The political position of the Sejm in the light of the Constitution of the RP and of the principles of the functioning of the European Union
3. The constitution and the integration process. The stability or revision of the Constitution of the RP?

IV. The legislative function of the Sejm of the RP after Poland‘s accession to the European Union
1. Transformation of the legislative function by the parliament
2. The Sejm of the RP in the process of implementing and co-creating the Union law
3. Enacting legislation by the Sejm of the RP at the national level
3.1. The legislative modę
3.2. The budget procedure
4. The execution of the legislative function by the Sejm of the RP

V. The scrutiny function of the Sejm of the RP
1. Parliamentary scrutiny in a democratic state
2. The role of the parliamentary opposition in the exercise of the scrutiny function
3. The Sejm‘s scrutiny over the activity of the government and ministers
3.1. A vote of confidence
3.2. A vote of no confidence
3.3. The control over the state budget. A vote of approval
3.4. The constitutional accountability of the government
3.5. Parliamentary debates and current information submitted by the Council of Ministers
3.6. Parliamentary resolutions, declarations, appeals and statements
3.7. Individual scrutiny measures
4. The participation of Sejm committees in the execution of the scrutiny function of the Sejm of the RP
5. The scrutiny function of the Sejm of the RP after the accession to the European Union

VI. The formative function and the principles of the internal organisation of the Sejm of the RP
1. The formative function
2. Internal organisation

VII. New tasks of the Sejm of the RP after the accession to the European Union
1. A new situation - new tasks of the Sejm of the RP
2. Carrying out new tasks - a search for methods and means


Sources and references

608 pages, Paperback

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