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wydawnictwo: UE POZNAŃ , rok wydania 2016, wydanie I

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Human resources management

A coursebook for students

MD 309

W książce zaprezentowano teoretyczne podstawy zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi, które zilustrowano ćwiczeniami, zadaniami oraz studiami przypadków.

W publikacji przedstawiono procesy: planowania i organizacji stanowiska pracy oraz profilu idealnego kandydata, rekrutacji i selekcji, oceny kandydata i pracownika, motywacji, szkoleń, wynagrodzeń, określenia ścieżki kariery zawodowej, odejścia z pracy.

Każde z przedstawionych zagadnień charakteryzuje się podobną konstrukcją, obejmuje istotę zagadnienia, jego części składowe, pełnione funkcje oraz wykorzystywane narzędzia realizacji.

Chapter 1. Introduction to work
1.1. The definition of work
1.2. The definition of an enterprise, employer, employee and forms of employment
1.3. New phenomena related to work: self-employment, telecommuting, temporary work, illegal work, voluntary work
1.4. Evolution of personnel functions models

Chapter 2. Introduction to job analysis
1.2. The nature of job position and job analysis
2.2. The nature of job position description
2.3. The nature of ideal candidate profile and recruitment requirements
2.4. Methods of describingjobs
2.5. Graphic presentation of an ideal candidate profile
2.6. Candidate questionnaire
2.7. The nature of employment planning
2.8. Employment planning methods

Chapter 3. Introduction to recruitment and selection process
3.1. The nature of employee recruitment
3.2. Types of recruitment
3.3. Selection of employees
3.4. Comparison of selection methods
3.5. Adapting a new employee, promotion, transfer and downgrading
3.6. Methods of conducting a job interview

Chapter 4. Introduction to candidate and employee assessment
4.1. Processing and using the collected information about candidates
4.2. Evaluation errors in the process of recruiting a candidate
4.3. "Whom to employ" decision
4.4. The naturę of the employee assessment
4.5. The main objectives of the assessment
4.6. Evaluation methods

Chapter 5. Organizational culture
5.1. The definition of the organizational culture
5.2. The model of organizational culture by Edgar Schein
5.3. Functions of organizational culture
5.4. Types of organizational culture
5.5. Management grid and models as basie leadership theories

Chapter 6. Introduction to different motivation theories
6.1. Practical use of motivation theories in everyday life

Chapter 7. Career in a company
7.1. The definition of a career
7.2. Theories based on personality types - J. Holland‘s hexagonal model
7.3. Theories based on career development - D. Super‘s concept
7.4. Other ideas in career development theory
7.5. Organizational aspect of professional career - career management
7.6. Planning career development - career path
7.7. Career management instruments
7.8. SWOT analysis for the needs of human resources policy
7.9. Transition matrices
7.10. Biographical method
7.11. Career management - challenges and trends for the future

Chapter 8. Employee training system
8.1. The main elements of employee training system
8.2. Training plan
8.3. The elements of the training process by D. Kolb‘s learning cycle
8.4. Training methods
8.5. Selected on-the-job training methods
8.6. Selected training methods outside workplace
8.7. Evaluation of the course and effects of training

Chapter 9. Introduction to remuneration system. Practical exercises in creating and using remuneration system
9.1. The nature of remuneration
9.2. The elements of remuneration
9.3. The functions of remuneration
9.4. Types of remuneration

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