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wydawnictwo: WYD UN GDAŃSK , rok wydania 2016, wydanie I

cena netto: 53.55 Twoja cena  50,87 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Introduction to International Trade

Preface 9

Chapter 1.
International trade in the global economy 11
1.1. Th e impact of macroeconomic trends on international trade .11
1.2. Major trends in international trade 15
1.3. Infl uence of international trade on the national economy: macroeconomic approach 22
1.4. International institutions and organizations in the world trade system .29

Chapter 2.
International trade policy .37
2.1. The dominant models of foreign trade policy 37
2.2. Instruments and tools of foreign trade policy .40
2.3. Customs policy and its functions 45
2.4. Customs policy tools 48
2.5. Calculation elements of duty 52

Chapter 3.
EU regulations on the foreign trade of member states 57
3.1. Framework and principles of EU trade policy 57
3.2. EU principles for the internal market  62
3.3. Common trade policy 66
3.4. Customs policy of the European Union  72

Chapter 4.
Marketing strategies on international markets .83
4.1. Factors aff ecting internationalization of enterprises .83
4.2. Th e concept of a strategy .89
4.3. Models of internationalization .91
4.4. Segmentation in international markets 97
4.5. Estimation of market attractiveness and target market choice .101

272 pages, Paperback

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