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wydawnictwo: SCHOLAR , rok wydania 2017, wydanie I

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European Union Policies at a Time of Crisis

In recent years, and more specifically, since the outbreak of the Eurozone crisis in 2010, the model of integration has changed. The rising political power of the strongest Member States and the political segmentation of the European Union into separate circles of integration have become the new reality. These processes have been accompanied by a range of related changes, such as the growing politicisation of the European Commission, increasing institutionalisation of the euro area and petrification of the geographical and political division into central and peripheral states in the EU. At this point, it is difficult to predict whether these changes will prove temporary or permanent, and what will be their systemic consequences (or, in other words, how will they impact Europe’s political system). It is similarly difficult to judge how the changes will influence specific EU policies. An attempt to answer these difficult but compelling questions is the objective of our book.

Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse,
Professor of Political Science and Head of Department of European Union Policies at the University of Warsaw; author of In Search of Geo-economics in Europe and coeditor of The Aspects of a Crisis

The authors of this volume offer a comprehensive analysis of conditions and results of EU policies in the context of European integration. The ambitious scope of the project required the knowledge of economics, history, political science, international relations, law and even sociology. The authors fulfill their promise to the readers: the volume contains a comprehensive and detailed elucidation of the influence of the crisis on the integration practice, and on the contemporary conditions of EU integration, including both its structure and functioning.

Zbigniew Czachór,
author of The Crisis and Disrupted Dynamics of the European Union

The volume edited by Tomasz G. Grosse promises to be a very valuable contribution to Polish European studies. It belongs to the broader field of critical reflections on European integration and as such, it opens new possibilities of constructive debate about the present and the future of the European Union.

Janusz Ruszkowski,
coauthor of Euro: Common Currency of the United Europe

Introduction. European Policies and Change in the EU Integration Model   
Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse
1. The growing importance of intergovernmentalism         
2. What kind of an integration model emerged during the crisis?    
3. Political segmentation in Europe               
4. Main research questions and hypotheses       

1. Systematisation of Concepts and Models Related to Differentiated Integration and Political Segmentation
Joanna Ziółkowska
1.1. Differentiated integration and political segmentation         
1.2. The beginnings of the debate on differentiated integration   
1.3. The second wave of the debate               
1.4. The debate in the 1990s       
1.5. The differentiation debate following the Amsterdam Treaty       
1.6. A classification of differentiated integration categories   
1.7. A proposed classification            

2. European Union Foreign Policy at a Time of EU Crisis and Fragmentation
Paweł J. Borkowski, Małgorzata Smutek
2.1. The appeal of a Europe engulfed in crisis            
2.2. Implementation of the Lisbon Treaty in times of crisis    
2.3. EU international activities in a regional and problem-related approach, in the context of the crisis and the threat of fragmentation      

3. The Impact of the Changing European Integration Model on the Common Security and Defence Policy 
Jacek Czaputowicz
3.1. The impact of the crisis on the CSDP      
3.2. Positions of Member States with regard to the CSDP    
3.3. Division lines in the CSDP        
Conclusions                              .
4. Economic and Financial Crisis in the European Union: The Definition of the Concept and Scholarly Discussion Over It 
Artur Nowak-Far
4.1. The economic and financial crisis in the Eurozone   
4.1.1. The characteristics of the Eurozone Crisis      
4.2. The Eurozone crisis as a crisis of the EU’s economic governance system     
Conclusions                              .

5. Social Policy at a Time of Changes in the Model of European Integration  
Jadwiga Nadolska, Krzysztof Szewior
5.1. Social policy in the process of European integration   
5.2. Social policy in times of crisis       
5.3. The place of European social policy in the new architecture  of economic governance in the EU    
5.4. Forms of interference of EU bodies in Member States’ social spheres, within the framework of the new economic governance   
5.4.1. Assistance packages     
5.4.2. The European Semester   
5.5. European social policy: between supranationality and intergovernmentalism   
5.6. Growth of asymmetry in the social sphere between North and South 

6. Cohesion Policy During the Eurozone Crisis 
Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse
6.1. The influence of the crisis on the cohesion policy       
6.2. Increased intergovernmental or community action? 
6.3. Divisions and hierarchy between Member States    
6.4. The dividing line in cohesion policy      

7. The Common Agricultural Policy at a Time of Crisis 
Justyna Miecznikowska
7.1. Divisions within the Common Agricultural Policy: consequences of diversified agrarian structure and production potential   
7.2. Divisions in the Common Agricultural Policy: consequences of different direct payments schemes   
7.3. Negotiating the MFF: on financing the post-2013 CAP    
7.4. Discussion on the post-2013 CAP: disputes and divisions within the EU  
7.5. CAP reform and segmentation of the EU  

8. Energy Policy and the Change in the Model of European Integration  
Kamila Pronińska
8.1. Energy policy in the contemporary processes of European integration    
8.2. Determinants of EU energy policy during the crisis in the Eurozone 
8.3. Intergovernmentalism vs. the community method in EU energy policy 
8.4. EU energy policy – a mechanism to augment segmentation in the EU or an area in which these tendencies can be halted?   
Conclusions: Energy policy at a time of crisis – divergent challenges and conflicting interests?      

9. European Union Climate Policy – the Crisis as a Catalyst for Change
Krzysztof M. Księżopolski
Research objectives        
9.1. On the essence of climate change and EU climate policy 
9.2. Conditions and division relating to climate policy costs   
9.3. Towards a new integration model in European Union climate policy 
9.4. The Climate and Energy Package 2030 and the deepening of divisive tendencies         
9.5. Segmentation in the EU climate policy  

10. Intergovernmentalism vs. Supranationalism in the Migration Policy and Home Affairs of the European Union 
Jolanta Szymańska
10.1. The direction of “communitarisation”: a historical development of cooperation in the area of home affairs and justice  
10.2. Reversing the trend? The area of freedom, security and justice in the post-Lisbon period          
10.3. A change in the political mood, and the unfavourable atmosphere surrounding migration        
10.4. The first cracks – the “Arab Spring” crisis and the Schengen system reform       
10.5. The migration crisis and the fight over the distribution of refugees in the European Union       
10.6. Freedom of movement – not under the same rules for everyone?   
10.7. “De-Lisbonisation” of cooperation in the field of home affairs: the implementation of the Stockholm Programme and EU priorities in the area of freedom, security and justice for the years 2015–2019     

Summary. Towards Regional Disintegration Theory  
Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse
1. Results of crises     
2. Increased intergovernmentalism and the hierarchy of power   
3. The ambiguous role of the Commission and the weakening of communitarianism      
4. Divisions in the EU       
Conclusions: Towards a theory of regional disintegration   

About the Authors
Index of names

352 pages, Paperback

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