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wydawnictwo: WYD UN GDAŃSK , rok wydania 2016, wydanie I

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Environmental Law

This is a popular guide to environmental law.

It has been written in non-specialist language to enable not only lawyers but also students, government officials, environmental activists, and community groups to take advantage of its content. The book introduces readers to the most important issues in contemporary environmental law. It mixes theoretical analysis with a practical application of legal instruments for he protection and management of the environment. This publication presents environmental protection from the perspective of national. European, and international low. showing protection of the nvironment as a transborder matter that needs involvement at all levels of government. The authors. Professor Janina Ciechanowicz-McLean and dr Maciej Nyka. are academics with theoretical and practical experience in the field of environmental low. They conduct courses and lectures on environmental law at universities in Poland. Europe, and the USA. They are authors of numerous publications in the field of Polish and international environmental law.

Preface (Janina Ciechanowicz-McLean, Maciej Nyka) 

Chapter 1. Axiological and Philosophical Principles of Environmental Law. Normative Concepts concerning the Environment (Janina Ciechanowicz-McLean)    
1.1. Characteristics of Contemporary Concepts of Environmental Protection in Relation to the Law      13
1.2. Polish Environmental Law                
1.3. European Environmental Law           
1.4. International Environmental Law            
1.5. Global Rise in the Threat of Eco-terrorism      
1.6. Transboundary Waste Shipment – Waste Dumping    
1.7. Increased Activity of Environmental Organisations    
1.8. Law as an Instrument of Environmental Protection      
1.9. Environmental Protection in Compliance with Sustainable Development        
1.10. Overview of International Environmental Protection Agreements           
1.11. From Environmental Regulations to Economic Regulations               
1.12. Sustainable Development and the Human Right to a Healthy Environment as Main Objectives of International Environmental Law Agreements   
1.13. Directions in the Development of Environmental Law in Poland and across the World in the 21st Century: The Globalisation and Europeanisation of Environmental Law 
1.14. Environmental Justice                
1.15. State Liability for Environmental Damage      
1.16. Liability for Nuclear Damage     
1.17. State Liability for Damage caused by Transboundary Pollution of Inland Waters   
1.18. State Liability for Damage caused to the Marine Environment         
1.19. Compensation and Mitigation for Environmental Damage  
1.20. Public Interest in Environmental Law       
1.21. Environmental Law as Public Law and its Functions 
Selected Further Readings    

Chapter 2. Principles of Environmental Law (Maciej Nyka) 
2.1. Genesis and Functions of the Principles of Environmental Law      
2.2. Selected Principles of Environmental Law       
2.2.1. Principle of Sustainable Development 
2.2.2. Principle of Preventive Action  
2.2.3. Precautionary Principle         
2.2.4. Polluter Pays Principle    
2.2.5. The Principle of Access to Information on the Environment and Public Participation in Environmental Protection     
2.2.6. Principle of Common but Di$ erentiated Responsibility        
2.2.7. Sovereignty over Natural Resources and the Responsibility not to cause Damage to the Environment of other States or Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction          Selected Further Readings        

Chapter 3. Environmental Governance (Maciej Nyka) 
3.1. The Notion of Governance – Governance vs. Governing    
3.2. Bodies of International Environmental Governance (International Level)        
3.2.1. States               
3.2.2. The Structure of the United Nations   
3.2.3. International Organisations active in Environmental Protection   
3.2.4. Private Sector    
3.2.5. Settling of Environmental Disputes in International Environmental Governance   
3.3. Bodies of International Environmental Governance (Regional Level)      
3.3.1. EU Institutions       
3.3.2. Member States       
3.3.3. Citizens of European States      
3.4. Bodies of International Environmental Governance (National Level)      
3.4.1. Central and Specialised Bodies of Environmental Protection        
3.4.2. Local Government Bodies    
3.4.3. Environmental Organisations, Individual Entities and Industry       
Selected Further Readings      

Chapter 4. Sector-specific Environmental Law (Janina Ciechanowicz-McLean)    
4.1. Legal Protection of Nature        
4.1.1. Principles of Legal Protection of Nature    
4.1.2. Global Forms of Nature Conservation    
4.1.3. Nature Conservation in EU Law           
4.2. Legal Protection of Biological Diversity          
4.2.1. Principles of Protection of Biological Diversity  
4.2.2. Restricting Access to Genetically Modified Organisms  
4.3. Legal Protection of Marine and Water Environments 
4.3.1. Principles of the Protection of the Marine Environment          
4.3.2. Protection of Marine and Water Environments in European Union Law          
4.4. Principles of Waste Management    
4.4.1. International Movement of Waste    
4.4.2. Philosophy behind Waste Management in Agenda 21          
4.4.3. EU Law and Policy on Waste Management    
4.4.4. Recycling, Recovery and Disposal of Waste  
4.5. Legal Protection of the Atmosphere      
4.5.1. Air Protection in International Law       
4.5.2. Protection of the Ozone Layer    
4.5.3. Climate Protection            
4.5.4. EU Law on Air Protection     
4.5.5. Principles of Climate Protection Law   
Selected Further Readings       

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