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wydawnictwo: WYD UN ŁÓDŹ , rok wydania 2018, wydanie I

cena netto: 44.75 Twoja cena  42,51 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Languages for Specific Purposes in Educational Contexts

Scholarship in LSP studies is nowadays developing at an unprecedented rate reflecting the growing complexity, diversity and dynamicity of professional domains and their discourses. This volume sets out to disseminate the results of practicioners’ research carried out in various occupational and educational settings. Ranging from Business, Law and Logistics to Music, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, the contributors examine in their chapters the numerous challenges faced when teaching specialised languages in these domains.

This book is intended primarily for LSP researchers and practicioners but it should be of interest to anyone with a professional interest in teaching specialised languages in occupational contexts.

Introduction (Stanisław Goźdź-Roszkowski) 7

Halina Sierocka, Perceptions of Language and Subject Specialists on the Linguistic Needs of Law Students 11
Aleksandra Matulewska, Tomasz Janiak, Towards a Model of Comprehensive Teaching of the Language of Logistics 33
Jozefa Artimová, Latin as a Language for Specific Purposes in a Textbook for Bachelor Programme Students of Midwifery-Obstetrics 51
Sylwia Makara-Paciorek, The Use of the Mobile Platform Android in Teaching English for Medical Purposes in the Project Vetionary 59
Aleksandra Beata Makowska, Tailoring the Business English Course Syllabus to Market Needs 69
Teresa Maria Włosowicz, The Development of Basic Business Correspondence Skills by English Philology Students 93
Aleksandra Beata Makowska, Joanna Duda, Authentic Materials in the LSP Classroom – Responding to Demands of the Job Market 117
Jarosław Płuciennik, Michał Wróblewski, University Cooperation with Business Environment in the Digital Era 135
Sanja Kiš Žuvela, Tomislava Bošnjak Botica, BFFs or False Friends? Internationalisms and Their ‘Equivalents’ in Croatian Musical Terminology Standardisation 147

156 pages, Paperback

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