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wydawnictwo: WYD UJ , rok wydania 2018, wydanie I

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Migraciones y diasporas en la America Latina contemporanea

The question of migration and diasporas has a special place in the studies of the Latín American región. Latin America remains until today both the source as well as the destination of migrants. Intrastate and interstate fluxes of migrants are also key variables shaping this región. Over the course of centuries, migratory processes influenced many spheres of Latin American Ufe and stand out even today; dynamic and multidimensional, they affect the social, racial, ethnic, economic and cultural relations. The topic of migrations and diasporas is strictly related to another fundamental issue of Latin American studies: the questions of identity. It provides possible answers to the question: who are we? The abovementioned topics are the subject of analyses presented in this publication. Its authors are experts from Latin American and European research institutions, representing different disciplines within the framework of humanities and social sciences, which allows to present the topic from a broad temporary and disciplinary perspective. This anthology analyzes, among others, the questions of Spanish migration to the New World, indigenous mobility, The Galician diaspora in Argentina and Brazil, securitization of migration policy in México or the theme of migration in Latin American literature.

Karol Derwich, Monika Sawicka, Introducción 7


Adam Walaszek, Portuguese and Polish Migrations: Some PreliminaryComparative Remarks (16th Century until 1939) 13

Elda E. González Martínez, Migration Policies: Historical Reflections Based on Spanish Case 43

Ana Elvira Sánchez Elgue, El proceso de expansión del Estado argentino y la movilidad forzada indígena 63

Érica Sarmiento, Estudos comparados Brasil e Argentina. Algumas questoes sobre o associativismo étnico dos Galegos no Rio de Janeiro e Buenos Aires (1880–1930) 79

Dolores Martin Rodriguez Corner, Imigrantes galegos em Sao Paulo – reconstruindo identidades num ambiente multicultural 91


Bogumiła Lisocka-Jaegermann, Maria Skoczek, Migracioneslatinoamericanas – miradas desde Polonia. Las migraciones latinoamericanasen la agenda de simposios “Migraciones y sociedad” del Instituto de Historia de la Academia Polaca de Ciencias (1995–2009) 105

Anna Bartnik, The Influence of the Great Spanish Recession on Emigration Trends to Latin America in Contemporary Spain 127

Silvana Santi Pereira, El compromiso de “retorno” como control de los movimientos migratorios laborales de ecuatorianas/os hacia Espana 137

Brígida Baeza, “Esperando a toribio”. Memoria y migrantes Quechuas provenientes de Bolivia, en la celebración del día de los muertos en Caleta Olivia (Santa Cruz, Argentina) 157

Anita Oberda-Monkiewicz, Securitización de la política migratoria mexicana 177


Angelica Camacho-Aranda, Identity Construction of Polish Refugeesin Mexico during World War II 197

Xaver Daniel Hergenröther, La representación literaria de violencia como razón de migración en la novela salvadorena 219

Agnieszka Gondor-Wiercioch, Abuelas horribles y madres locas – lo grotesco en los retratos de las latinas en los textos elegidos de Sandra Cisneros y Junot Díaz 231

Nina Pluta, Patria: de espacio familiar a espacio extrano en la narrativa de Juan José Saer 241

256 pages, Paperback

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