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wydawnictwo: ADAM MARSZAŁEK , rok wydania 2018, wydanie I

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Terrorism in the Balkans in the 20th and 21st century

The Balkans are often called „Balkan powder keg”. Therefore, it is good that work about terrorism in the Balkans was created, and the authors deserve recognition for facing such significant and difficult problem. I may say that, with no exception, all authors showed skills in discourse at high substantive level, creating original texts, full of analyses, opinions and reflections.

prof. dr hab. Marek Bankowicz

Introduction                                    5

Dariusz Gregorczyk (Jan Dlugosz University, Poland)
The terrorist and ideological aspects of activity of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO) at the end of the 19th and early 20th century                                   13
Andrzej Krzak (Jan Dlugosz University, Poland)
Active intelligence service (terrorism) of the Comintern and Soviet secret service in Bulgaria in the 1920s – case study                   35
Andrzej Dubicki (University of Lodz, Poland)
Terror as a method of fighting of the Iron Guard                 . 52
Danuta Gibas-Krzak (Jan Dlugosz University, Poland)
Attempt on the life of the King Alexander I in Marseille – circumstances – organizers – consequences. Analysis of the problem               . 64
Nikica Barić (Croatian Institute of History, Croatia)
Brčko: A case study of state terror of the Independent State of Croatia, 1941 – 1942                                  . 80
Tomasz Stala (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Decade of UÇK terror. History of creation, activity and disintegration of the Kosovo Liberation Army                         . 101
Justyna Kędziora-Płachciak (Brussels, Belgium)
Is Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) becoming a breeding ground for international terrorism?                                   . 127
Jelena Vukoičić (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
Islamist terrorism in the Balkans – the roots, present state and future perspectives                                  . 171
Ioannis Michaletos (Institute for Security and Defence Analysis in Athens, Greece)
Contemporary risk assessment of extremism and terrorism in Greece. The case of Islamist-driven security risks in Greece               . 187
Mateusz Rakowski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Islamic extremism as a real threat to security in Europe. Usage of social conditions in the Balkan countries for the effective terrorism expansion      . 196
Desirée Pangerc (CIELS University Campus – Padova, Italy)
Illegal migrations, terrorism and security issues between Italy and the Western Balkans: an anthropological approach to counter-terrorism operations    . 214

Bibliography                                   220
List of maps, graphs and pictures                        238

237 pages, Paperback

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