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wydawnictwo: WYD UJ , rok wydania 2017, wydanie I

cena netto: 42.99 Twoja cena  40,84 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

From the Absurd to Revolt / De l'absurde a la revolte

Dynamics in Albert Camus’s thought / Dynamique de la pensée d’Albert Camus

It has been over 65 years since the publication of The Rebel - a work considered by Camus to be the epitome of his philosophical endeavor. A far ery from considerations of individualism found in The Myth of Sisyphus, The Rebel offers a broad interpretation of modernity, one which aims, by means of measure, at finding a way of existing that condemns the propositions of the XXth century totalitarianisms. The aim of this book is to discuss the philosophical aspects of the two main concepts prevalent in Camus's philosophy: the absurd and revolt; highlighting the impact and importance of the latter to the philosopher's oeuvre.

Our primary aim was to found the debatę on the dynamics of Camus's philosophical travel. The analysis of the progression of thought, from the individualized experience and consciousness of the absurd to under-standing human revolt through solidarity seemed essential for our enterprise. We sincerely hope, that this book, presenting the conclusions of excellent Camus scholars will help the readers find new answers to old questions, as evoked by main philosophical concepts, found in Camus's writings.

Maciej Kałuża, Piotr Mróz

Introduction    9
Maciej Kałuża, Piotr Mróz

Part One: From the Absurd to Revolt, Analysis of Sources for Camusian Concept of Revolt

Profound Indifference: The Source of Revolt in the Early Writings of Camus  15
Simon Lea

Un personnage emblématique : Caligula, ou la pensée en action de l’absurde a la révolte    31
Virginie Lupo

La Peste, de l’absurde a la révolte : les limites de l’engagement   45
Marie-Thérese Blondeau

Camus’ Religious Revolt in The Plague    63
Eric B. Berg

Lire et écouter pour écrire L’Homme révolté   79
Christian Chevandier

The Dynamics in Meaning of Absurdity and Revolt: between La liberte´ absurde and L’absurde et le meurtre    97
Maciej Kałuża

Part Two: Camus’s Revolt in Contemporary Analysis

L’éthique camusienne comme aliment de résilience  121
Sophie Bastien, Emmanuel Habimana

Le droit et le devoir de tuer : sémantiques du meurtre dans L’Homme révolté  139
Théodore Caponis

A “Culpabilité Raisonnable.” Camusian Revolt as Modern Morality      149
Tommaso Visone

Timeliness Forms of Revolt by Albert Camus      161
Ignacy S. Fiut

Does Justice Require Victims? Reflections on Albert Camus’s Thought 175
Ewa Średnicka

Part Three: Camus’s Revolt in Comparatistic Studies “I Hope This Ireland We’re Fighting for is Worth It”: Camus’ L’Homme

Révolté through Ken Loach’s The Wind That Shakes the Barley    197
Giovanni Gaetani

Vers le dialogue : Albert Camus et Leszek Kolakowski  . 211
Raphael Luiz de Araújo

Le rire de Sisyphe et la danse de Zarathoustra     225
Barbara Zauli

Is a Rebel an Outsider? Rebellion in the Interpretation of Colin Wilson      235
Marcin Urbaniak

Il faut sauver les jeunes filles qui se précipitent d’un pont : pour un renouvellement de la lecture de L’Envol de J. Iwaszkiewicz (1957)     247
Justyna Gambert

Camus and Dostoyevsky’s Philosophical Challenge – a Strange Spiritual Affinity 267
Remigiusz Król, Piotr Mróz

278 pages, Paperback

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