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wydawnictwo: WYD UAM , rok wydania 2016, wydanie I

cena netto: 27.70 Twoja cena  26,32 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Lifelong learning for labour market needs

The volume discusses lifelong learning in view of contemporary challenges, in particular those encountered on the ever-changing labour market. Owing to their diverse theoretical and methodological approaches, the volumes authors have been able to depict lifelong learning as an educational concept and a policy area on the one hand and a variable social practice embedded in a broad spectrum of issues related to employment, work quality, work efficiency and learning within organisations on the other. Learning is also presented as a unique phenomenon described as a way of life and a lifestyle and defined by the constant need to improve one professional and other competences. The best way to modify lifelong learning to address today challenges in the rapidly changing educational environment is to align it with the labour market. Note, however, that lifelong learning strategies go beyond the purely economic perspective and the focus on adult education. They place much emphasis on active citizenship, social inclusion and personal improvement, all of which reflect the social existenceof a given educational concept.

228 pages, Paperback

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