Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements in International Commercial Law
Arbitration and jurisdiction agreements are frequently used in transnational commercial
contracts to reduce risk, gain efficacy and acquire certainty and predictability. Because
of the similarities between these two types of procedural autonomy agreements, they are
often treated in a similar way by courts and practitioners. This book offers a
comprehensive study of the prerequisites, effectiveness, and enforcement of exclusive
jurisdiction and arbitration agreements in international dispute resolution. It examines
whether jurisdiction and arbitration clauses have identical effects in private
international law and whether they have been or should be given the same treatment by most
countries in the world. By comparing the treatment of these clauses in the US, China, UK
and EU, Zheng Sophia Tang demonstrates how, in practice, exclusive jurisdiction and
arbitration agreements are enforced.
The book considers whether the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements could be
treated as a litigating counterpart to the New York Convention, and whether it could work
successfully to facilitate judicial cooperation and party autonomy in international
commerce. This book breaks new ground in combining updated materials in EU, US and UK law
with unique resources on Chinese law and practice. It will be valuable for academics and
practitioners working in the field of private international law and international
1. Procedural Autonomy in International Commerce
2. Prerequisites: Contractual Issues
3. Preliminary Requirements: Which Forum Decides?
4. Enforceability of Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements
5. Supporting Party Autonomy: LisPendens, Forum Non Conveniens and
Anti-Suit/Anti-Arbitration Injunctions
6. Conflicts of Jurisdiction and Party Autonomy in Europe
7. The Future of the Hague Choice of Court Convention: A Litigating Counterpart of the
New York Convention?
312 pages, Hardcover