ZABICKY J. wydawnictwo: BLACKWELL SCIENCE , rok wydania 2014, wydanie I cena netto: 4481.00 Twoja cena 4256,95 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka The Chemistry of Metal Phenolates
Metal Phenolates open the synthetic chemistry to Phenols and Polyphenols, and are two
very important compounds for biological processes such as ageing, signaling and cell
repair. All chapters are first published online in Patai’s Chemistry of Functional
Groups, and once a volume is completed online, it is published in print format. As
expected from this series each volume treats all aspects of functional groups with
extensive lists of contributors, author and subject indices.
1372 pages, Hardcover
Po otrzymaniu zamówienia poinformujemy, czy wybrany tytuł polskojęzyczny lub
anglojęzyczny jest aktualnie na półce księgarni.