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wydawnictwo: WYD PW , rok wydania 2013, wydanie I

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Fast Automatic Beam-Based Alignment of the LHC Collimator Jaws

List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Publications

1 Introduction
1.1 CERN and the Large Hadron Collider
1.2 Linear beam dynamics
1.2.1 Longitudinal motion
1.2.2 Transverse motion
1.3 LHC machine operation
1.4 Thesis organization

2 The LHC Collimation System
2.1 Scope and layout of the collimation system
2.2 LHC collimator software architecture
2.3 Collimator settings

3 Beam Monitoring Systems
3.1 Beam loss monitoring system
3.1.1 Standard system
3.1.2 Improvements for collimator alignment
3.2 Beam position monitoring system
3.2.1 Beam Position Monitor
3.2.2 LHC orbit correction system
3.2.3 Collimators with embedded BPMs

4 Collimator Beam-Based Alignment
4.1 LHC collimator beam-based alignment
4.1.1 Pre-alignment procedure
4.1.2 Alignment procedure
4.2 Collimation hierarchy qualification
4.3 Collimator alignment in other colliders
4.3.1 Tevatron
4.3.2 RHIC
4.3.3 HERA
4.3.4 Comparison with LHC collimator alignment requirements
4.4 Motivation for fast automatic alignment

5 Alignment Algorithms
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Formal problem definition
5.3 BLM-based feedback loop
5.3.1 Single collimator movement
5.3.2 Parallel collimator movement
5.3.3 Alignment algorithm input heuristics
5.4 Loss spike recognition
5.4.1 Motivation for spike classification
5.4.2 Support Vector Machines
5.4.3 Feature selection
5.4.4 SVM training
5.4.5 Experimental results
5.5 Automatic threshold selection
5.5.1 Data analysis
5.5.2 Results
5.6 Coarse BPM-interpolation based alignment
5.6.1 Comparison results
5.6.2 BPM-interpolation guided alignment tool
5.6.3 Experimental results
5.7 Alignment task sequencer
5.8 BPM-Based successive approximation algorithm
5.8.1 BPM measurement corrections
5.8.2 BPM-based alignment algorithm
5.8.3 Results

6 Software Implementation and Validation
6.1 Software development methodology
6.2 Software development tools
6.3 BLM-based alignment software application
6.3.1 Data acquisition
6.3.2 Graphical User Interface
6.3.3 Data logging
6.4 BPM-based alignment software application
6.4.1 Data acquisition
6.4.2 Graphical User Interface
6.4.3 Data logging
6.5 Collimator system fixed display
6.5.1 Monitored LSA parameters
6.5.2 Display layout
6.5.3 Beam loss map validity
6.6 Software validation
6.6.1 Black-box testing
6.6.2 Glass-box testing

7 Modeling and Simulation of Collimator Setup
7.1 Motivation
7.2 Modeling of BLM signals during setup
7.3 Steady-state BLM signal
7.4 Static model of spike and decay
7.4.1 BLM loss spike
7.4.2 Comparison with measured data
7.4.3 Temporal decay in the losses
7.5 Dynamic model of spike and decay
7.5.1 Experimental procedure
7.5.2 Data analysis
7.5.3 Results
7.6 BLM signal crosstalk
7.7 Collimator setup simulator
7.7.1 Simulator algorithm
7.7.2 Simulator implementation

8 Simulation and Operational Results
8.1 Simulation results
8.1.1 Results at 450 GeV
8.1.2 Results at 4000 GeV
8.1.3 Results at 7000 GeV
8.1.4 Interpretation of simulated results
8.2 Operational results
8.2.1 Inferred beam sizes
8.2.2 Beam intensity loss during setup
8.2.3 Setup times
8.2.4 Misaligned collimators
8.2.5 Settings qualification
8.2.6 Alignment errors
8.2.7 Stability of beam-based alignment settings
8.2.8 Orbit stability at the TCPs
8.2.9 Orbit stability at the TCTs
8.2.10 Alignment performance overview
8.3 Comparison of simulation and measurement results

9 Conclusion
9.1 Summary
9.2 Suggestions for further work

A Collimator Database
B Collimator BLM Detector List
C Alignment Measurements
D Simulated BPM Non-Linearity Corrections
E Static Model of Beam Scraping

240 pages, Paperback

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