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wydawnictwo: WYD PW , rok wydania 2010, wydanie I

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Front-End Electronics for Multichannel Semiconductor Detektor Systems

The monograph is devoted to many different aspects related to front-end electronics for semiconductor detector systems, namely: - designing and testing silicon position sensitive detectors for HEP experiments and X-ray imaging applications; - designing and testing of multichannel readout electronics for semiconductor detectorsused in X-ray imaging applications, especially for noise minimization, fast signal processing, crosstalk reduction and good matching performance; - optimization of semiconductor detection systems in respect to the effects of radiation damage.


The monograph is the result mainly of the author's experience in the above-mentioned areas and it is an attempt of a comprehensive presentation of issues related to the position sensitive detection system working in a single photon counting mode and intended to X-ray imaging applications. The structure of this book is as follows: semiconductor detectors: detector materials, signal generation, detector segmentation, detector models; - architecture of front end electronics: CSA, shaper, discriminator, noise optimizations, pulse shaping, fast signal processing; - important aspects of multichannel integrated circuits: noise modeling, short channel effects, digital to analog crosstalk, random matching; - radiation damage of integrated circuits: total dose effects, single event effects, radiation tolerant design; - examples of multichannel counting integrated circuits: chips for strip detectors, solutions for pad and pixel detectors. 

List of symbols
Abbreviations and acnonyms used in the text

1. Introduction

2. Semiconductor detectors
2.1. Materials for semiconductor detectors
2.2. Reverse bias p-n junction
2.3. Charge generation in detector
2.4. Charge transport
2.5. Ramo theory and signal formation
2.6. Detector geometry
2.7. Important detector parameters

3. Architecture of front-end electronics
3.1. Types of amplifiers
3.2. Charge sensitive amplifier
3.2.1. Ideal charge sensitive amplifier
3.2.2. Realistic charge sensitive amplifier
3.2.3. Examples of core amplifier architectures
3.2.4. Feedback configuration
3.2.5. Test injection circuit
3.3. Shaper
3.3.1. Signal shaping
3.3.2. Noise analysis
3.4. Noise optimization of CSA input transistor
3.4.1. Strong inversion region
3.4.2. Moderate and weak inversion regions
3.5. Aspect of fast signal processing
3.5.1. Pulse pile-ups at CSA output
3.5.2. Pole-zero cancellation circuit
3.5.3. Base line restorer
3.6. Further signal processing
3.6.1. Discriminators
3.6.2. Peak Detector Derandomizer

4. Important aspect of multichannel low noise mixed-mode integrated circuits
4.1. Noise modeling in MOS transistors
4.1.1. Channel thermal noise
4.1.2. Flicker noise
4.1.3. Short channel effects
4.2. Cross-talk in mixed mode circuits
4.2.1. Generation, transmission and reception of switching noise
4.2.2. Reducing the noise generation
4.2.3. Increasing the immunity of analog part
4.2.4. Isolation techniques
4.2.5. Summary of crosstalk reduction techniques
4.3. Random matching and offsets
4.3.1. Mismatch parameters of MOS transistors
4.3.2. Transistor matching in various processes
4.3.3. Current matching in MOS transistors
4.3.4. Random matching in circuits
4.3.5. Layout rules for good matching
4.3.6. Matching on multichip modules
4.3.7. Mismatch simulation using Monte Carlo analysis

5. Radiation damage in silicon detectors and readout electronics
5.1. Total dose effects
5.1.1. Displacement damage
5.1.2. Ionization effects
5.2. Single event effects
5.3. Radiation tolerant design of readout electronics

6. Examples of multichannel counting IC for X-ray applications
6.1. Requirements for multichannel counting systems
6.2. ASIC for strip detectors
6.3. Solutions for pad detectors and small array of pixel detectors
6.4. Solutions for pixel detectors

7. References

188 pages, Paperback

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